Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Korean Wife

I am sharing somebody's experience which I received as a forwarded email:

    Experiences are as follows:
  • You own two refrigerators, and one is just used for storing Kimchee.
  • She gets upset if you refer to the above as the Kimchee Box.
  • She gets upset if you put anything other than Kimchee in the Kimchee Box.
  • She lacks common sense, or for the politically correct: Faulty Logic.
  • You have more than one type of Kimchee.
  • She assures you that the meat bought in the open market is better, even if it still has the AAFES tag on it.
  • Believes that any product bought in the open market is better, even if it still has the AAFES tag on it.
  • She has 101 uses for Soju.
  • She uses Soju as a cleaning product.
  • She uses Soju for medical purposes. (Disinfectant.)
  • She will go to an American restaurant to eat Korean Food and insists that it tastes better than served in a Korean restaurant.
  • She believes wearing platform shoes is sexy.
  • She wears a mini skirt in the winter, then complains that it is cold.
  • The main ingredient in the food you eat at home is garlic.
  • She eats non-Korean food with Kimchee.
  • She won't eat spoiled food, but does not have a problem with Kimchee.
  • You own a dining room table that is less than 1 foot high.
  • You own more chopsticks than you do forks and spoons.
  • She doesn't drink tap water until after it's been boiled, but she'll make ice with it.
  • She thinks fish head soup is a delicacy.
  • You can not watch TV on Mondays because the puzzle show is on.
  • You can not watch TV on Sunday because Super Sunday is on.
  • You don't rent videos unless they are subtitled.
  • A meal is not complete without Kimchee.
  • She won't eat American food unless served with a side of Kimchee.
  • She believes that the floor is more comfortable to sleep on than the bed.
  • You have an electric blanket on 356 days a year.
  • You turn on a fan in the summer but still have the electric blanket on.
  • You burn your butt sitting on the floor.
  • You believe that controlled drugs can be bought over the counter.
  • You go to the pharmacy to buy an IV.
  • You do not own any chairs in your house.
  • You refuse to own any Japanese products in your house.
  • The only thing she knows how to do on your computer is play solitaire.
  • Everyone she introduces you to is either a brother or a sister.
  • Her immediate family moves into your house permanently.
  • Everything in your house either has the logo Samsung or LG.
  • She can't buy clothes unless they have a logo on them.
  • She owns a beeper/pager that has a gold chain attached to it.
  • She gets mad when you flush toilet paper down the toilet.
  • She won't buy clothes from a store that is going out of business because she believes there is something wrong with the clothes.
  • She believes that 1000 Won is enough money for lunch.
  • She believes going out to dinner is going down the street to the Soju tent.
  • You eat Ramen and kimchee for breakfast.
  • You go to the open market to buy one thing and leave with both arms full.
  • You own more than one type of Ramen in your house.
  • She believes that Ramen, Rice, Soju, and Kimchee are the 4 basic food groups.
  • You answer the phone in your house with "YOBO-SAY-O."
  • You heat a dried squid over an open flame.
  • You eat dried squid with mayonnaise.
May be you can share your positive or negative experiences below.


  1. That is pathetic and offensive. Not even slightly funny.

  2. And what do you mean by 'share your experiences'? You seriously want to start a thread slagging off Korean women? Classy stuff.

    1. Its a forwarded email of someone's experience. i told share your positive or negatve experiences if you want. Its not to offend anyone.
      Just chill!

    2. Wow, that is quite the poor excuse. You simply cannot say "I was forwarding an email", as you were posting it on your own blog. Even a basic understanding of ethics would tell you that that does not absolve you of responsibility. I thought only certain Korean broadcasters still used that excuse (MBC 'The Truth About Foreigners' anyone?)

      Your 'email' is so clearly full of lazy stereotypes and borderline racism that you should not have reproduced it unless you had the specific intention to provoke and offend. Quite apart from that, it is so utterly devoid of wit as to be childish. We already have Daves ESL for this trite.

      You should use better judgement in the future.

    3. That might be your judgement. I have recieved mixed reactions for my blog. You are exaggerating a simple issue.
      Just take a chill pill!

    4. I trust you will support my right to promote lazy stereotypes, as well. You are right, it is a very simple issue.

  3. Anonymous, it is quite evident that the intention of the author was not to offend anyone. This was simply a humorous and light-hearted forward that someone sent to him which he posted on his blog on Korean culture.

    You really need to pull that stick out of your backside.

  4. In fact, judging from previous blog entries, Koje Kap is probably a female herself.

    1. Whether or not she is a woman is neither here nor there. As a woman of Korean ancestry myself, I know that women are just as likely to promote lazy stereotypes as men.

      I realise her intention was not to offend - that is glaringly obvious; her intention was to get hits and to 'have a laugh'.

      To realise why I find this offensive you should also know that Koje Kap is posting this link onto Facebook pages which have no connection to her blog. If said blog contains stereotypes intended for light amusement which infantalise women, then you better be prepared to get some negative reaction to it.

      Koreans - and women in particular - are seen as easy targets for stereotyping among foreigners sometimes, in a way that would never be acceptable for other national or cultural groups.

      I have re-read her post a few times now to see if I have overreacted and each time I just find it more offensive. The intention of the writer was clearly to paint Korean women as irrational and child-like.

      The question to you is: why do you feel I shouldn't be offended by that?

    2. Thanks Sonnet to make angry anonymous understand!
      The post is not to offend anyone so please take a chill pill and enjoy your chuseok!
      Dont get offended!
      Happy Chuseok!


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